Discount Codes
Bloggers, Vloggers and anyone who asks nicely. Roll up. You’re all entitled to amazing priced goods from us with our ground breaking promotional pricing structure that means everyone gets the best deal.
Daily, in and amongst the enquiries about size, shipping, the “where’s my fucking trousers” emails and the bizarre requests for us to do some sort of inspirational public speech, we’ll frequently receive emails asking for discounts:-
“a slight discount for a first time buyer?”
“I’m buying two pairs – any chance of a discount?”
“I would really like to feature your product on my channel, I wonder if product could be provided for review?”
“Send me a pair and I’ll road test them for you”
and of course the seasonal
“What you guys doing for Black Friday?”
We’ve thought long and hard about this, and we’ve come up with the solution that works best for everyone, and is fair. It’s super simple too. It’s a scheme that works.
Everyone pays the same price, all the time.
We think the price of our product is fair. And our many customers think so too.
“Best pair of trousers I’ve ever owned”
“Truly thought that the make I have used for 30 years couldn’t be beaten…first impressions Amazing!!!”
“The build quality of the boots is excellent and the customer service was exceptional.”
“The most amazing trousers, perfect fit.”
Yes, of course, we are aware that yes, a pair of trousers costs more than a weeks state pension. We know you can buy supermarket jeans for less than our shipping charge. Nobody needs an £250 belt, unless they want one in which case head this way.
We pay our staff and suppliers a fair price, and the prices we charge are what it costs to run a business in the UK selling product of this quality. Of course we could make cheaper trousers. Poorer quality cloth. Sweatshop labour. Unsustainable low pricing which would mean that any lifetime guarantee would be irrelevant because we’d be out of business.
So that’s a no. We don’t do discounts. But if you can afford, try a pair. If they’re not right we’ll swap them for ones that fit. And if you see us and we’re out, we’ll buy you a drink and say thanks.
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